Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Dental Care for Children

Nov 15, 2012 @ 10:50 AM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Pediatric Dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry

Our Fountain Valley pediatric dentistry expert, Dr. Andrew Mortensen, and his team can set your child’s smile up for success by equipping them with the necessary tools to achieve and maintain optimal oral health. Practicing good oral hygiene is essential to the overall well being of a child. Not only are there steps that you can take, at home, to promote healthy, happy gums and teeth, but Dr. Mortensen’s Fountain Valley cosmetic dentistry team can help your child preserve the health of his or her developing smile.

Fighting Cavities

It’s not uncommon for children to put their oral hygiene on the back burners. Let’s face it - a youngster can probably think of several more enjoyable things to do prior to bedtime. Dr. Mortensen recognizes that oral health isn’t typically at the forefront of a child’s or adolescent’s mind, which is why he communicates with his patients on a more relatable level and educates them on how to properly care for their teeth, all the while making fighting cavities a lot more fun.  

Cavities tend to form in the crevices of the smile, where food usually gets caught. When food and germs remain on the teeth and gums for too long, bacteria begins to attack the structural integrity of the enamel and gum tissue. Cavities can be prevented by:

Forming good habits is also essential to the health of your child’s smile, which means you should be an impeccable example for your little one. How else is he or she supposed to take oral health seriously, if his or her authority figure isn’t doing the same?

When cavities do form, we offer effective treatment to save and restore the tooth. For our patients in Fountain Valley, dental crowns and dental fillings are commonly used to treat teeth that have been damaged by cavities.

Protecting the Health of Your Child’s Smile

At our Fountain Valley pediatric dentistry practice, we take preventive measures to protect the health of your child’s teeth and gums. Using general dentistry treatments, including comprehensive dental cleanings, oral cancer screenings, periodontal therapy, sealants, dental fillings, and TMJ disorder therapy, Dr. Mortensen can ensure your child’s smile will look and feel it’s best for years to come. Sealants are commonly recommended for younger patients because the clear, acrylic-like substance helps to keep tooth decay at bay in permanent molars.

Even as a baby, your child’s gums should be properly cared for and cared about. Running a soft bristled baby’s toothbrush or cloth over the gum line can stimulate the blood vessels in the tissue and promote periodontal health. Also, it is important to take your little one, at as early as one year of age, to see a certified, trusted, and experienced dentist. Research suggests that early dental visits, for your infant, help to educate parents on:

Contact Dr. Mortensen Today

If you are interested in learning more about pediatric dentistry, contact Dr. Mortensen today. His team is friendly, knowledgeable, and has your children’s best interests in mind when performing treatment. Trust the smile specialists who care about making your child's dental experience a quality and enjoyable one.