Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Common Causes of Poor Gum Health: What Patients Should Know

Feb 4, 2017 @ 11:00 AM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Gum Disease Gum Recession Restorative Dentistry

Healthy gums are an important part of a beautiful smile, yet keeping your gums healthy can be harder than it sounds. There are so many things that can have a negative impact on the health of your gums, resulting in gum recession as well as periodontal disease.

The team at our Fountain Valley restorative dentistry practice would like to take a moment to consider some of the most common causes of poor gum health. By knowing what can lead to gum disease and gum recession, you'll have a good idea of what you should avoid.

Smoking and Chewing Tobacco

Studies have shown that the use of tobacco products greatly increases your risk of developing gum disease and suffering from gum recession. Heavy smokers are two to three times more likely to experience gum disease than non-smokers. Consider this yet another compelling reason to quit for good.

Poor Oral Hygiene

If you don't brush or floss enough, you are more likely to suffer from gum disease as well as gum recession. To improve periodontal health and fight tooth decay, be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a night. You should ideally brush and floss after every meal.

Aggressive Brushing and Flossing

Sometimes it's not about the frequency of brushing and flossing but the intensity. If you are toot aggressive with brushing and flossing, this can harm the gum tissue and cause recession. Be dentle but thorough whenever you clean your teeth.

Poor Diet and Nutrition

When you eat an unhealthy or an unbalanced diet, there is a greater likelihood of suffering from serious health issues such as gum disease and gum recession. Be sure to eat healthy, with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables.


People who suffer from diabetes run the risk of many health issues. Among these health issues is gum disease. If you are diabetic, be extra-careful with your oral hygiene needs while you monitor and manage your blood sugar levels.

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Teeth grinding occurs at night and involves the gnashing and clenching of your teeth while you sleep. It can, to many people's surprise, also result in gum recession given the stress on various structures of the mouth. Be sure to visit your dentist if you believe you suffer from teeth grinding in order to have these issues addressed.

Hormonal Imbalances

Changes in your hormone levels can make you more susceptible to gum disease and other factors. Whether the hormonal imbalance is the result of puberty or pregnancy, be sure to be attentive about your dental care practices.

Family History and Genetics

Some people are simply more likely to suffer from gum disease and recession because of genetics. If that is the case, it;s important that you brush and floss after every meal and really watch what you eat. It takes more work to have a beautiful smile, but it is worth it.

Learn More About Periodontal Health

If you want more information about periodontal care and improving your smile, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist today. We are eager to discuss various dental health topics with you in more detail.