Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Treatments for Twisted Teeth: Improving Your Smile

Sep 30, 2017 @ 12:55 PM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Orthodontics Crooked Teeth Cosmetic Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

The people of Fountain Valley know that they can come to our cosmetic dentistry center for advanced dental treatment. Whether they're dealing with routine cavities and fractures or more serious issues with dental alignment, we will be there for them.

When patients have problems with crooked or misaligned teeth, this can cause a number of issues. Let's take a moment to consider the problems caused by twisted teeth and what we can do about these issues.

Why Twisted Teeth Are a Problem

Twisted teeth can cause both cosmetic and general health issues that impact dental wellness.

In terms of the cosmetic impact, twisted teeth can leave you feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your smile. You might even feel hesitant to speak and laugh around people you've known for many years. If you have a job that involves interaction with the public, the appearance of your smile can have an impact on your career as well.

In terms of dental health and wellness, twisted teeth can make it painful to bite and chew. This could lead to issues with having a healthy, well-balanced diet and proper nutrition. In addition to pain, the poor dental alignment can cause you to grind your teeth at night, a condition known as bruxism. This can cause tooth fractures, gum recession, and even jaw joint problems such as a TMJ disorder.

Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry Options

For teeth that are only slightly twisted, the ideal options for treatment may be less invasive cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry procedures. A porcelain veneer or two may be all that's required to help mask a twisted or crooked tooth from view. For more serious issues, a dental crown can cap a tooth and make it look perfectly aligned.

These solutions tend to be best for cases in which the twisted teeth do not cause dental health issues. In other words, these are good treatments for purely aesthetic problems with dental alignment.

Orthodontics for Twisted Teeth

For the vast majority of patients, the ideal treatment option for their twisted teeth will be orthodontic care. By using braces, palatal expanders, headgear, or other kinds of orthodontic appliances, carefully applied pressure will be able to improve the overall appearance of a person's smile.

In general, it's best to perform orthodontic treatment as soon as possible. While great results can be achieved with adult orthodontic care, it's generally easier and faster to complete orthodontic treatment when a person is in their teens and still maturing.

Advanced Oral Surgery Solutions

For major issues with twisted teeth and overall dental alignment, the ideal option for treatment tends to be advanced dental surgery. This will allow dental health specialist to adjust the bone structure, teeth, gum tissue, and other parts of the mouth in order to improve dental alignment. This dental surgery is followed by orthodontic care to ensure proper alignment of the teeth that lasts.

The exact nature of the dental surgery treatment will vary from patient to patient, so it's important to visit the practice for a consultation to learn what your procedure might entail as well as what is involved in proper post-op care.

Learn More About Treating Twisted Teeth

For more information about treating teeth that are crooked and helping you have a beautiful and healthy smile, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist. We will develop a treatment just for you and address all of your concerns to ensure you have confidence in the process.