Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Enhance the Appearance of Crooked Teeth with Porcelain Veneers

Mar 27, 2021 @ 07:58 AM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers For Crooked Teeth

There are many characteristics that are associated with an attractive smile, and straight teeth is one of the most common. Teeth that are misaligned, twisted, or turned, have a big impact on the appearance of the smile, and possibly its health as well.

Usually, crooked teeth are treated with orthodontics, such as braces. However, if crooked teeth are not affecting oral health or functions, they may be better treated cosmetically, with veneers that bond to the front of the teeth

Porcelain veneers conceal crooked teeth, so that the smile looks straight and even. Individuals in Fountain Valley, CA, and surrounding areas can work with Dr. Andrew G. Mortensen to find out how porcelain veneers can enhance the smile to help them achieve their aesthetic goals.


Porcelain veneers completely conceal the facial surface of treated teeth, so they are able to hide a wide range of cosmetic blemishes, including chips, cracks, fractures, and discoloration. They can also conceal superficial malocclusion problems that give the smile a crooked or uneven appearance, including:

As long as a patient has good oral health, and is not at risk of other dental complications related to orthodontic issues, porcelain veneers should be a suitable treatment for crooked teeth.


For our Fountain Valley patients who are porcelain veneers candidates, this cosmetic dentistry treatment is ideal, because it offers fast and effective results. Individuals can complete porcelain veneers treatment in a matter of weeks, instead of the many months that are required for braces and other orthodontic techniques.

Typically, porcelain veneers treatment is completed over the span of two dental appointments. At the first appointment Dr. Mortensen designs a set of veneers that will address the patient’s concerns while blending in with adjacent teeth. He does this by customizing the size, shape, and color of each veneer. At this appointment Dr. Mortensen also removes a small amount of tooth enamel from the treated teeth, to prepare them for porcelain veneers placement. 

When a patient’s porcelain veneers are complete, they return for the placement procedure. The fit of the restorations are tested before they are bonded in place. Porcelain veneers are attached to the teeth with a dental compound. The compound is hardened with a dental light to complete the bonding process.

Porcelain Veneer Benefits

Fast treatment and instant results are just a couple of the many advantages of porcelain veneers. These restorations also provide our Fountain Valley patients with the following benefits:

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Porcelain veneers are extremely thin ceramic shells; roughly the width of a contact lens. Although these restorations look rather delicate, they are strong enough to withstand the regular wear and tear of biting and chewing. As long as patients care for their teeth and restorations properly, avoid harmful dental habits, and limit consumption of hard, sticky foods, porcelain veneers should easily last 10 years or more.

Contact Dr. Andrew G. Mortensen

If crooked teeth are keeping you from enjoying the straight, attractive smile you desire, you may be an ideal candidate for porcelain veneers. To learn more about these cosmetic restorations, send us a message online, or call (888) 471-3735 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Andrew G. Mortensen.