Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Chronic Halitosis: Learn Why You Should See a Dentist About Bad Breath

Oct 2, 2024 @ 11:36 AM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Bad Breath

Bad breath can be caused by poor oral hygiene or something you ate. However, it can also be a symptom of several more serious oral health concerns that require general dental care and a full exam.

So when should you be concerned with halitosis and visit our office in Huntington Beach, CA, for an exam?

Let's explore this issue below.

What Is Halitosis and What Causes It?

Halitosis is simply a fancy name for bad breath and is caused by sulfur-producing bacteria on the tongue and throat. This can be a result of:

Halitosis Can Be the Sign of an Oral Health Issue

Though halitosis can be the sign of something as minor as diet or poor brushing, it can also be a sign of a more serious oral health concern and you may need to visit your dentist. Halitosis can be a symptom of:

How Can I Prevent Bad Breath?

If your halitosis is the result of diet, tobacco use, or poor oral hygiene, here are some tips to help:

Brush and Floss Properly

Proper oral hygiene is crucial to good oral health and can also help eliminate embarrassing bad breath.

Stop Tobacco Use

Tobacco use is linked to a number of overall health and oral health issues. It can also cause chronic bad breath. It is best to stop to protect your teeth and gums.

Minimize Certain Foods

Certain foods, like garlic and onions, are more likely to cause halitosis. You can minimize eating these foods or simply brush and floss after eating, which is also great for your oral health.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you believe your bad breath is caused by medications or health issues such as reflux, discuss this with your doctor. If it is caused by medications, there may be alternatives that do not cause bad breath. It is important that you do not stop or start medications without first talking with your doctor.

Discuss Your Bad Breath With a Dental Health Expert

While halitosis may seem minor, it can also be a sign of a more serious oral health issue. If you have tried to treat your bad breath without luck or you have other symptoms on top of the halitosis, it is always best to see your dentist to rule out issues like gum disease, tooth decay, or infections. Contact our office in Huntington Beach, CA, to request a consultation.