Patients who suffer from dental anxiety often don't seek the dental treatment that they need; with sedation dentistry, we can calm patients' fears, put them into a relaxed state of mind during treatment, and help ensure their oral health is maintained. At our practice, we use oral conscious sedation for its ease of use and reliable results.
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Sedation dentistry is for those many people who are so fearful to go to the
dentist that they haven't been to the Dentist for many years.
Unfortunately, these people's teeth are often in a very sad state, broken
down teeth, cavities. They're in pain, and they don't know where to go and
what to do, but they know they need to do something.
When they come in we examine their teeth, we figure out what they need, and
then when we're doing any dentistry, they're either sleeping or sedated, so
that they're not aware of what's happening. And it's really amazing because
these people go home the next day, and they say, "I don't even remember
being at the Dentist. This is great." and usually, what happens with these
patients over time IS they actually develop a trust with us, so that they
don't have to be sedated every time, but initially, we can get the big work
that they need to have done, and they don't even know that it's been done.
They're so happy about it.
The sedation we do in our office is oral conscious sedation, which means
the patient takes a couple of small blue pills before they come into the
office, about an hour before. Someone drives them. Someone picks them up.
But when they get here they're very relaxed. Then, we evaluate to see if
they need any more medication when they get here. Pretty soon they're
either sleeping or they're very sedated so they don't care, and they don't
know what's happening. The next day they wake up, and they can't remember
what's happening.
One of the benefits of this is that not only their oral health improved and
their appearance, they can be happy to smile and chewing without pain, but
there are also other health benefits throughout the body. The heart, the
circulation system are affected by unhealthy teeth and gums and when those
get healthy it helps to improve the overall health of the total body.
It's amazing how much patient's love sedation. These patient's that have
been in fear about going to the Dentist for ten years or more, they have
been avoiding the dentist their whole life and they say, "I never knew this
was possible." They come in and they have a good experience at the dentist,
and their teeth look good and feel good, and they say, "Wow, this is the
most amazing thing. Why didn't I know about this before?"